Power our Planet is Global Citizen’s largest effort to defend the planet and protect the communities most impacted by climate change. Join us to call for action to end deforestation, accelarate a just energy transition, and provide resources to allow people to prosper.
The world's tropical rainforests are the lungs of our planets -- but they're being pushed to a point of no return. We need governments and the private sector to halt deforestation by 2030, including a $1 billion goal to protect the Amazon.
Without renewable energy for all, global climate goals are out of reach. We need to ensure governments, the private sector and public development banks deliver on the promise to triple renewable energy capacity by 2030.
Climate justice demands that those responsible for the crisis support the hardest-hit communities. We’ll need to “make polluters pay” by demanding they contribute more to ensure communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis get the resources they need.
What is Global Citizen?
What is the Power Our Planet Campaign?
How can Global Citizens around the world get involved in Power Our Planet?