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Global Citizen + Cisco: A Commitment to Make a Positive Impact on the World

Cisco is proud to join forces with Global Citizen as our global technology partner to power the movement to end extreme poverty by 2030.

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Accelerating global problem solving to benefit people, society, and the planet.

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About Cisco + Global Citizen

At Cisco, we believe more than ever that what’s good for the world is good for business. When we put transformative technology in the hands of passionate people, few challenges are too big. With Cisco technology and expertise, we’re empowering global problem solvers to make a positive impact on people, society, and the planet.

“Global Citizen shares our vision for connecting people to solve some of the world's most challenging problems. At Cisco, we are focused on combining the power of technology with a generation of problem solvers who seek to the change the world...we hope to inspire even more people to make a difference, and change lives.”

- Chuck Robbins, Chairman and CEO of Cisco