Tell World Leaders: Disability Rights Are Social Justice

On World Day of Social Justice, call on world leaders to champion disability rights and build a more inclusive world.

What to know:

  • Persons with disabilities face barriers every day — but world leaders have the power to change this.
  • True social justice means ensuring persons with disabilities are included in every decision that shapes our future.
  • Tweet at world leaders now and tell them: disability rights must be at the heart of global progress!

Learn More about this cause:

Millions of people worldwide have disabilities, yet they are too often overlooked in decisions that shape our societies. Whether in education, healthcare, or disaster response, true social justice means full inclusion.

This April, governments will gather at the Global Disability Summit (GDS) in Berlin to commit to a more just and inclusive world. Leaders in the UK, France, Norway, and beyond have a chance to step up and lead the way.

These countries have already shown leadership. Now, they must carry that momentum forward and champion disability rights on the global stage.

Your voice matters. By tagging leaders on X (Twitter) you can encourage them to act. Take action today — tweet now and make inclusion a reality!