How Can Funding Farmers End Extreme Poverty

How can supporting farmers protect millions from extreme poverty? Take the quiz to find out.

What to know:

  • Smallholder farmers, who contribute significantly to our food supply, are facing the brunt of the climate crisis.
  • Funding research and climate-smart farming like drought resistant seeds is critical to protecting millions from poverty.
  • Take our quiz – learn how supporting farmers helps protect all of us.

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Business as usual has increased droughts, heat waves, severe storms and made it difficult to predict rainy seasons. Our smallholder farmers, who contribute substantially to the world’s food supply, are taking the brunt of the climate crisis and the long term consequences can not be ignored. 

The world has to eliminate emissions which are causing the climate crisis but equally needs to ensure communities can adapt to the changes that are already here and will continue to come.

With the global hunger crisis looming, test your knowledge on the importance of climate adaptation and why resources like drought resistant seeds to shield against disruptions are critical to reduce hunger and poverty. Take the quiz.