Protect and Include Environmental Defenders

Demand global recognition and protection for Environmental Defenders. Sign now.

What to know:

  • Environmental defenders face persecution and exclusion from critical climate decisions.
  • Governments must act with urgency to protect and welcome frontline defenders.
  • Sign now to demand visionary leadership and action for the recognition, protection and participation of defenders.

Learn More about this cause:

Did you know that people who stand up to protect the environment—Environmental Human Rights Defenders (EHRDs)—are facing serious threats, harassment, and even death? Many governments and companies target them just because their fight against the climate crisis challenges other powerful interests. While agreements like the Escazú Treaty exist to protect them, these brave defenders are still shut out of decision-making and face increasing violence.

That’s where LEAD comes in. LEAD is a global initiative working to give EHRDs a voice at the table in climate discussions. It connects activists, civil society groups, and governments to protect environmental defenders and recognize their essential role in creating sustainable solutions. LEAD creates a safe space for dialogue, helping to bridge the gap between defenders and world leaders so that they can work together to secure their protection and inclusion.

We need to ensure these activists can continue defending our planet without fear. Let’s push governments to commit to their safety and make sure their voices are heard in climate policies.

Sign the petition today to demand the inclusion and protection of Environmental Human Rights Defenders!