World Leaders: Fund Gavi to Protect Children From Deadly Disease

Millions more people could be protected against deadly diseases than ever before. Sign now to make it happen.

What to know:

  • Every day, diseases threaten people’s lives and leave communities at risk.
  • Since 2000, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance has protected over 1 billion children against the world’s worst diseases.
  • Tell world leaders to finance Gavi’s vaccination efforts globally over the next 5 years to protect the futures of millions.

Learn More about this cause:

Every child deserves a chance at a healthy future.

In 2023, Gavi the Vaccine Alliance reached a monumental milestone: immunizing over 1 billion children since its founding in 2000. It's a testament to what's possible when we come together, united in our commitment to safeguarding the most vulnerable among us, especially newborns and kids.

As we look ahead to 2030, we face a historic opportunity to expand global efforts and protect even more lives. With your support, Gavi can continue its vital work of providing life-saving vaccines to over 50 of the world's lowest-income countries. It's about reaching those who need it most, ensuring that no child is left behind.

But it's not just about vaccines. It's about strengthening healthcare systems, empowering communities, and building resilience against the growing threats of disease and climate change. It's about creating a world where every child has the chance to thrive, regardless of where they were born.

By signing the petition, you're joining your voice with thousands of others advocating for global health equity and making a tangible difference in the lives of countless children around the world. Together, we can ensure that every child receives the protection they need to live a healthy, happy life.