The world is facing enormous challenges: the effects of inflation, the climate crisis and armed conflicts are aggravating poverty by the minute. And, despite consequences being felt around the globe, the world's poorest are suffering the most.
Following the break-up of the coalition government, Germany is heading towards snap elections. In the midst of multiple global crises, this also presents an opportunity: against the backdrop of conflicts, the climate crisis, rising poverty and a weakening economy, we need a government capable of taking action that is fully committed to international cooperation. We must act together now for global stability, security and the climate.
The Facts:
Over 100 million additional people have been driven into extreme poverty since 2020, living on less than €1.70 a day.
323 million people are affected by acute hunger, while 650 million suffer from food insecurity and do not know when they will have their next meal.
Up to 143 million people will have to leave their homes by 2050 due to the impacts of the climate crisis.
As global inequality increases it can be easy to lose hope in a fairer, more equitable world. But action now can put a world without extreme poverty, where all children can go to school, no one has to suffer from hunger and all people can lead a healthy life back within reach.
For this we need the commitment of all countries - especially the wealthiest countries worldwide. This includes Germany, which, as one of the richest countries, has a responsibility to work towards a fair and sustainable world.
Sign the petition and call on the German government to keep its word and do its part for a just world by prioritizing funding for development cooperation and humanitarian aid.