Protect and Increase Overseas Development Assistance

Add your name to stand against catastrophic cuts to international development.

What to know:

  • Cuts to overseas development assistance budgets cost lives in humanitarian crises.
  • Governments must prioritize maintaining and increasing ODA budgets to meet the internationally agreed target of 0.7%.
  • Join us in urging governments worldwide to reaffirm their commitment to ODA by signing the petition.

Learn More about this cause:

Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) is more crucial than ever. From the impacts of conlfict in Gaza, Sudan and the Congo, and to the famine-stricken areas of Zambia and Southern Africa, ODA is a lifeline, funding essential humanitarian support where it’s needed most.

ODA-funded healthcare services are vital, enabling hospitals to operate and deliver lifesaving medical supplies. In Gaza,Sudan and the Congo, ODA supports critical medical aid and combats diseases exacerbated by conflict. It it a central pillar of funding for aid organisations that provide emergecy food to populations in severe need. Famine, as seen in Zambia and Southern Africa, is a silent killer. ODA provides emergency food supplies and supports agricultural initiatives to build resilience and break the cycle of hunger and malnutrition.

Education in disaster zones like Sudan and the Congo offers children a sense of normalcy and hope. ODA funds schools, supplies learning materials, and supports teacher training, empowering the next generation to rebuild their communities. In areas of instability, women and girls are particularly vulnerable. ODA supports essential sexual and reproductive health services, including maternal care and protection against gender-based violence, crucial for their safety and well-being.

The challenges these regions face are immense but not insurmountable. Increased support from nations through Overseas Development Assistance is essential. Immediate aid saves lives, while sustainable development projects funded by ODA build resilience and self-sufficiency, preparing communities for future crises. Addressing these root causes through ODA contributes to global stability and peace.

Our shared humanity calls us to act with compassion and solidarity, ensuring no one is left behind. Every contribution to ODA matters.  Together, we can transform and save lives. Sign Now.