Cervicalcancer is the fourth most common cancer affecting mostly women with an estimated 604,127 new cases and 341,831 deaths worldwide. It is primarily caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) ㅡ one of the most common sexually transmitted infections worldwide and about 85% of sexually active people will get an HPV infection in their lifetime.
HPV vaccination and regular cervical cancer screening have proven to be highly effective in preventing infection with the most common high-risk types ― HPV 16 and 18. However, limited awareness about HPV, cultural barriers, and inadequate healthcare infrastructure hinder the implementation of preventive measures in certain regions. Also, the high cost of HPV vaccines and limited access to affordable screening services create significant barriers to reducing the global burden of cervical cancer.
Efforts are being made to address these challenges and increase global awareness about the importance of HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening. By improving education, advocacy, and expanding access to healthcare services, the prevalence of HPV and cervical cancer can be significantly reduced, ultimately saving numerous lives and improving women's health worldwide. Take our quiz to learn more.
Photo by WHO / Blink Media - Etinosa Yvonne