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Cisco’s Americas Partner Organization has joined Global Citizen’s movement to end global gender inequality and create a world in which girls and women have equal opportunities to boys and men. Join the movement and start taking action below (please be sure to sign up using your work email address).

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Flyaway Package to Global Citizen Festival 2020

It’s been a few months since Hugh Evans (Founder, Global Citizen) and John Moses (VP, Americas Partner Organization) stood on stage at Partner Summit and announced the Americas Partner Organization partnership and campaign to end global gender inequality.

Since that announcement, much progress has been made. The world has also changed significantly amid the COVID-19 pandemic, which is why the Americas Partner Organization updated the Global Citizen actions to support the community at this time. In response to the pandemic, however, Global Citizen has shifted their 2020 festival to next year.

To fully support this shift, and for the protection and safety of our shared communities, the Americas Partner Organization has decided to cancel the 2019 Partner Summit contest, in hopes of reevaluating in the coming year.

You are encouraged to continue taking action with Global Citizen and continue working in partnership to end global gender inequality.

Thank you again for your partnership, for your leadership, and for every effort you make for our communities every single day.

The Partnership

Learn more about Cisco and Global Citizen's partnership here.