Acute malnutrition is a complicated problem with many causes and effects. From direct causes like not having enough nutritious food to eat, to much less direct causes, like there being no nutrition focused goal in the Millennium Development Goals (the MDG just focused on hunger, not nutrition), the problem is a complex one with no easy answers.
However, the Generation Nutrition campaign has come up with a 10 ways that, if implemented, could help bring an end to child deaths from acute malnutrition within a generation.
1) For all governments, UN Agencies, NGOs and other stakeholders to recognise acute malnutrition as a leading cause of child death.
2) For all governments, UN Agencies, NGOs and other stakeholders to treat acute malnutrition as a mainstream development issue, not just one that occurs in emergencies, and to include prevention and treatment in long term health and development programs.
3) For developing countries to Integrate the community-based (rather than hospital-based) management of acute malnutrition into child health services.
4) All engaged stakeholders to strengthen health systems to allow countries to expand their programs for treating acute malnutrition.
5) For donors to increase long-term funding for the prevention and community-based management of acute malnutrition, moving away from the current short term, emergency only funding approaches.
6) For governments to establish national targets on wasting (a consequence of acute malnutrition) to help focus reduction efforts.
7) For all nations to push for the inclusion of acute malnutrition in the new development framework that will replace the Millennium Development Goals.
8) Support research on the relationship between wasting and stunting.
9) Develop new ways to tackle moderate acute malnutrition.
10) Ensure there is a coordinated strategy by UN Agencies on acute malnutrition.
To help us make this plan possible, please sign the petition to the government at the top of the page!