Need someone new to follow on Instagram?
I’ve got a great recommendation: @everydayclimatechange
The feed is an aggregator of an incredible group of photographers from around the world who have dedicated their careers to documenting the ravages of climate change.
It’s like reverse “Earth porn.”
The pictures are pretty incredible and give a stark, provocative sense of the world we could live in if we don’t act now.
A pet-peeve of mine are people who post just any old photo of extreme weather and try to use it to make a case that it was caused by climate change.
That’s not what this feed does. Included in the caption next to every photo is a description of why it’s linked to the climate crisis.
Check it out - you’ll be glad you did:
1) @paulabronstein / @gettyimages
6) @franckvogel
7) @wilderphoto
8) @jbrussell
10) @saraterry13
12) @lens_pacific
14) @JshPhotog
15) @balazsgardi / @azdarya
16) @JshPhotog
17) @JshPhotog
18) @hessekatharina
19) @paulabronstein / @gettyimages
20) @hessekatharina
21) @matildegattoni
The 1.2 billion people living in extreme poverty will be disproportionately affected by the effects of climate change because of the way they grow crops and inadequate infrastructure and shelter, and insome countries even the risk of losing their country all together.
This is in spite of the fact that the 50 least developed nations have had a tiny, 1% impact on greenhouse gas emissions.
The crisis has the potential to undo all the progress we've made toward making extreme poverty a thing of the past.
Climate Change is an issue at the heart of what it means to be a global citizen. It’s about standing up for justice for the world’s poor and making sure we have systems in place that are resilient to the effects of the crisis.
That’s where Action/2015 comes in. Action/2015 is a citizen’s movement of hundreds of organizations around the world demanding truly ambitious agreements on poverty, inequality and climate change in 2015. Global Citizen has joined the movement and we want you to be a part of it.