Imagine this — you work for a community organization dedicated to developing innovative solutions to social and economic challenges facing low-income communities around the world  – and one day you find out that your organization has received $500,000 to further your work.

That’s the reality that 50 community organizations experienced in 2023 when they received grants from Citi Foundation as part of its 2023 Global Innovation Challenge for solutions to improve food security globally.

And now, Citi Foundation has announced its 2024 Global Innovation Challenge to help community organizations pilot or expand innovative solutions to homelessness. Here’s everything you need to know:

The 2024 Global Innovation Challenge is awarding $500,000 to 50 community organizations working to pilot or expand innovative solutions to homelessness.

Affordable safe housing is a key contributing factor to the economic well-being of individuals, families and communities. With homelessness on the rise, an initiative like this will help enable trailblazing organizations to end extreme poverty.

Applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered:

• Applicant organizations must be a registered as nonprofit entities under local law;

• Applicants must be able to submit their most recent externally audited financial statements, including auditor’s notes, covering some part of the calendar year 2022 or a subsequent year;

• Applicant’s proposed program must impact one or more of the target geographies.

The deadline for eligible organizations to register is Tuesday, February 13, at 12 p.m. EST. For more information, please visit 


Defeat Poverty

Citi Foundation Announces 2024 Global Innovation Challenge to Support Solutions to Homelessness

By Global Citizen Staff