Imagine losing your home, your cultural history, and the stories passed down through generations — all washed away by rising tides. For the people of the Pacific Islands, this is not a distant threat but a harsh reality unfolding before their eyes. As sea levels rise, entire communities face the agonizing prospect of displacement. Livelihoods are being destroyed, and cultures that have thrived for centuries are at risk of vanishing forever. This is not just a regional issue; it’s a global crisis demanding urgent and collective action. 

Enter Vishal Prasad, Director at Pacific Islands Students Fighting Climate Change (PISFCC). We first encountered Prasad’s inspiring work when he was honored with the Global Citizen Prize Award for Climate in May 2024. Since then, Prasad and the PISFCC have made major strides in climate advocacy. Their latest initiative, The Witness Stand, is a testament to his unwavering commitment to amplifying the voices of those most affected by climate change.

Amplifying Voices for Climate Justice

The Witness Stand is more than just a campaign; it’s a robust advocacy and storytelling project designed to directly bring the voices of those most affected by climate change to the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The ICJ is accepting submissions for a landmark decision that could hold major polluters accountable for their role in climate change. With the Pacific Islands facing some of the most severe impacts of the climate crisis — rising sea levels, devastating storms, forced migrations, and the loss of livelihoods — the PISFCC is determined to ensure that those in power hear these stories.

This campaign is about more than just storytelling; it’s about centering the human experience in a legal battle that often feels distant and abstract. The Witness Stand seeks to anchor the ICJ’s deliberations in the realities faced by those on the frontlines of climate change not just in the Pacific but from all around the world. Through powerful video interventions, the voices of children, women, elders, and activists will be heard, providing a poignant reminder of what is genuinely at stake. It allows everyone to present their message directly to the ICJ, ensuring that the voices of the affected are represented and at the heart of the proceedings.

A Call to the World: What’s Your Message?

“What is your message to the International Court of Justice regarding climate change?” This question lies at the heart of The Witness Stand. It’s an invitation — a plea — for anyone, anywhere affected by the climate crisis to share their truth. Whether it’s the anguish of losing a home, the fear of an uncertain future, or the fierce determination to protect what remains, these messages are a testament to the human spirit in the face of overwhelming odds.

The Witness Stand is about giving individuals a voice and ensuring that the human experience is central to the ICJ process. By encouraging people from across the globe to include these personal narratives in their submissions, the campaign ensures that the people’s voices are part of the global legal discourse on climate change, significantly impacting the ICJ process and potentially influencing the court's decision-making.

Spreading the Word, Spanning the Globe

The Witness Stand is not just a Pacific initiative, but a global movement. The initiative aims to reach every corner of the world bringing awareness to the ICJ advisory opinion campaign. By doing so, it hopes to mobilize communities, educate the public, and inspire a unified call for justice. 

But what exactly is an ICJ advisory opinion? It’s a legal opinion given by the ICJ when asked by a United Nations body or agency. In simple terms, it's like asking a highly respected group of judges for their expert advice on a tricky legal issue. Because it comes from the highest court in the world, their ruling will influence legal systems around the globe and clarify important legal questions around climate change and human rights that affect countries and international organizations, helping them understand what their obligations and responsibilities are in the climate crisis. 

The Witness Stand aims to encourage countries worldwide to make submissions to the ICJ that include the voices of their citizens. This participation highlights climate change’s various human rights impacts and underscores the themes and issues the ICJ must consider in its proceedings.

Moreover, The Witness Stand will create a consolidated database of these powerful video messages, turning them into enduring media assets. These can be used in advocacy events, exhibits, and other platforms to continue the conversation and keep the focus on the human side of the climate crisis.

Join the Movement: Your Story Matters

This is a call to action for everyone who has felt the impact of climate change. Prasad and PISFCC invite you to share your story. Whether you’ve faced floods, droughts, wildfires or other effects of climate change, your voice can contribute to a growing chorus demanding justice at the highest levels of international law.

You can join The Witness Stand and submit your video by clicking the action here. Once there, you can follow the simple steps to record and upload your video. Together, we can ensure that the voices of those on the frontlines of the climate crisis are heard loud and clear and that we take meaningful action to protect our planet for future generations.


Defend the Planet

Leading the Fight Against Climate Change

By Mel Ndlovu