We are less than 10 days out from one of the most important global meetings of our lifetime, COP 26, and Australia has not released a clear plan for protecting our planet and addressing climate change. 

We welcome news that the Prime Minister will attend this important conference from 1 November. However, we are concerned that Australia is going to fail this most important test for the future of our planet and in meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals.  

That’s why, we are calling for the Australian Government to release a clear plan with actions and targets at COP 26 including: 

  1. An ambitious emission reduction target for Australia by 2030 that is in-line with preventing more than 1.5° C of global warming, and a plan for how it is going to be achieved. 

  2. A firm commitment to reach net zero by 2050 at the latest and a plan for how it is going to be achieved. 

  3. Increased international climate financing towards Australia’s fair share of the $100 billion per year promised by developed countries to support vulnerable nations, particularly in the Pacific region, in halting and dealing with the effects of climate change. 

We must act now to address climate change. Inaction will have a significant impact on us all and will be felt most strongly by the more than 700 million people across the world living in extreme poverty. 

Nobody is exempt from the responsibility of taking action against climate change and protecting our planet for future generations. That’s why more than 59 countries, 700 cities and thousands of businesses around the world have already set ambitious targets to ensure they reach net zero sooner rather than later. 

Prime Minister Morrison, please show up with an ambitious and clear plan on behalf of the majority of Australians who want to see our country take action on climate change. We cannot miss this critical moment in time, the future of our planet and children depend on it.


Defend the Planet

Australia: You Can and Must Act Now to Address Climate Change