Feeling overwhelmed with what’s going on in the world? We get it — but we also know that inaction is the only way to guarantee that nothing changes. That’s why we want to provide you with some quick, effective ways for you to take action. 

Too often the loudest voices set the agenda, so it’s essential to make sure yours is heard. Advocacy, education, and pressure on our lawmakers is what ensures that they’re held accountable to you, their voters. We know that you may be feeling stressed — but that’s exactly why there’s no better time to learn about ways you can make sure your elected officials know what issues matter most to the people they’re representing.

To start us off, here’s why calling your members of Congress is one of the most effective ways to make an impact.

Why Bother Calling?

Because it works. Listen, we know that picking up the phone isn’t always easy. But that extra bit of effort is exactly what makes it one of the best tools in your arsenal. 

Every call to a congressional office is logged, counted, and reported. While emails, letters, and social media can be great, when members receive a surge of calls about an issue, it gets their attention right away. Lawmakers track these numbers carefully because they know public opinion influences their chances of re-election.

Here’s How to Do It

1. Find their numbers. Luckily, it’s super easy to do this. You can track down the contact information of your federal, state, and local representatives at USA.gov, go to 5 Calls, or call the Capitol switchboard directly at (202) 224-3121. Save your two Senators’ and House Representative’s DC and local office numbers — it’ll save you time later (extra credit for also calling your governor about state-level policies!). Don’t waste time by calling other reps — lawmakers only really value opinions from their own districts, so focus on your own congresspeople.

2. Prep what you’re going to say. Keep it simple — there’s no need to overthink it. All you have to do is say your name, where you live, let them know exactly why you’re calling, and what you want them to do about it. Here’s a simple recipe for a script to get you started:

“Hi, my name is [Your Name], I live in [Your City, Zip Code]

I’m calling [Senator/Representative] to express my [support/opposition] of [specific issue or bill]

This is important to me because [provide personal commentary]

I urge [Senator/Representative] to take action [for/against] this measure. Thank you.”

3. Dial and read your script! If you reach the office’s voicemail, leave a message (it will still be logged). If a staffer answers, be polite, direct, and to the point.

4. Lather, rinse, repeat. One call is great, but regular calls are more effective, so be sure to keep it up. Ongoing, consistent pressure is what leads to change. 

Some Tips on How to Get the Most Out of Your Calls

1. Call no matter what end of the policy debate your representative falls on — just tailor your message so it lands. If they already support your stance, reinforce how important it is to you. If they oppose it, focus on shared values that resonate — and remind them that you’ll hold them accountable come next election season.

2. Stay focused. We know there’s a lot going on, but stick to one or two issues per call. Staffers track topics separately, so try to be concise and avoid a laundry list of grievances (tempting as it may be).

3. Speaking on the phone not your thing? Try to call after office hours to leave a voicemail instead. It still counts, and you’ll skip the whole talking-to-a-real-human thing. 

4. Be consistent. Making calls can be part of your routine — they only take only a minute or two, so try to carve out some time during your day (maybe instead of doomscrolling?).

5. Peer pressure can be a good thing! Share this guide and encourage your friends and family to make some calls too. One constituent is easy enough to ignore, but more people raising their voices leads to more attention on issues that matter. 

Calling isn’t necessarily glamorous, but it’s one of the easiest, most effective ways to influence those in power (and takes advantage of the fact that we’re all already glued to our phones anyway). So grab your phone and start drumming up some noise that can’t be ignored.

How To

Demand Equity

Take Action Toolkit: How to Call Your Member of Congress (and Why It Matters)

By Victoria MacKinnon