Last year the G7 – which includes industrialized democracies like Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the US – met in Germany, and made a financial commitment to lift 500 million people out of hunger.

But the money never showed up. As you read this, 795 million people in the world are still going hungry.

Read More: Everything You Need to Know About Food & Hunger

Chelsea Handler — actress, comedian, philanthropist, host of the Netflix talk show “Chelsea”, and fellow Global Citizen — decided to take action to end world hunger by 2030.

Handler, who has already broken barriers for women as a female comedian and the host of her own late-night show, is also co-hosting the 2016 Global Citizen Festival to be held at Central Park, New York.

Watch as she hilariously face-plants a bowl of spaghetti to try and ensure that the G7 doesn’t backtrack on their promise again.

Read More: How to Get Tickets to the 2016 Global Citizen Festival

What can you do to help? Like Chelsea, take action!

Next year the G7 is meeting in Italy. Here’s where you need to do to make a difference.

Tweet Italian PM Matteo Renzi @matteorenzi a picture of yourself eating dinner with this message: I get to eat this but 795 million people are hungry. Will Italy pledge to end hunger at the Global Citizen Festival? #pastapolitics

A few Global Citizens are already taking action.

By doing this, besides helping people around world, you could even get a chance to watch Rihanna, Kendrick Lamar, Selena Gomez, Major Lazer, AND Metallica perform at the Global Citizen Festival 2016, held at Central Park, New York.

Since 2012, Global Citizens have taken more than 6 million actions, which will impact the lives of 656 million people by the year 2030.

Join the Global Citizen community to take action and fight world hunger!

Ready to take action? Get started here.


Defeat Poverty

Chelsea Handler Did a Face-Plant in a Bowl of Spaghetti to Help End World Hunger