Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Brussels, January 24, 2024 // The Development Committee of the European Parliament has voted its Opinion on the Guidelines for the 2025 Budget, expressing serious concerns that the revision of the EU’s Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) will lead to cuts to the budget lines that promote cooperation with the Global South.
Aidsfonds, Global Citizen and ONE reacted: “We welcome the DEVE committee leadership in upholding the integrity of the NDICI regulation, the EU’s global commitments and the EU’s funding targets. For the past months, civil society groups have joined the Parliament in calling on the Council to increase resources for external action. We fully agree with the DEVE committee that the position on the MFF mid-term revision agreed by 26 member states at the December European Council will harm the EU’s ability to have a positive impact on the global stage, to increase its geopolitical influence, to meet humanitarian needs, and to provide adequate and reliable support to partner countries.
We’re alarmed that the majority of Member States are endorsing cuts to the EU’s development, global health and climate budget. We are also extremely concerned by the depletion of the NDICI cushion, which leaves barely no flexibility for emergencies and unexpected needs until 2027, as emphasized by the Parliament.
We urge the Parliament to stand firm in its position throughout the MFF mid-term revision negotiations and reject the proposals that represent a bad deal for Europe and its partners, and go against the NDICI regulation”.
Aidsfonds, Global Citizen and ONE, together with over 20 civil society groups from across the development, health, climate and humanitarian sectors, analysed the December European Council negotiating box on the MFF mid-term revision. See detailed policy analysis here.
The DEVE committee Opinion voted on 24 January is available upon request.