Cry Power with Colm O'Gorman

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Cry Power Episode 9: President Michael D. Higgins

How to Be of Value in a World Filled With Violence

The Cry Power podcast is hosted by Hozier in partnership with Global Citizen, talking to inspirational artists and activists about how to change the world. In its ninth and final episode, Hozier talks with Irish President Michael D. Higgins about a lifetime spent fighting injustice. But it's not all talk — you can join the Global Citizen movement and take action below to urge world leaders to follow the example of Ireland to end extreme poverty.

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Take Action

“You can’t be just a voyeur on the grief of other people,” Michael Higgins tells Hozier on the Cry Power podcast. “The very best thing to do is to take your trained competences and be of value.”

In 2018, Ireland announced at Global Citizen Festival in New York that it would increase its international aid budget to 0.7% of gross national income (GNI) — meaning millions more going to help the world's poorest people. If every country followed Ireland's example, we could almost end extreme poverty. Incredible, right?

Today we need leadership more than ever before. Sign our letter now to urge leaders to make a plan to increase their aid budgets like Ireland — ensuring that the richest countries in the world do their fair share to empower the poorest.

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Cry Power Episode 1: Annie Lennox

Feminism is a Global Issue

In its inaugural episode, Hozier talks with Annie Lennox about why feminism must be inclusive of men; how her personal story of activism is rooted in her family; and how music can make change happen.

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Cry Power Episode 2: Bono

The HIV/AIDS Crisis Symbolises Inequality

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Cry Power Episode 3: Nick Grono

Modern Slavery Still Exists Because Laws Aren't Being Enforced

Hozier talks with Nick Grono, CEO of the Freedom Fund, about forced labour, modern slavery, and calling out big businesses to be more transparent.

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Cry Power Episode 4: Mavis Staples

Racism in America Wasn't Defeated in the 60s

Hozier talks with gospel legend and civil rights activist Mavis Staples about singing for Martin Luther King, the power of protest music, and which rappers inspire her in 2019.

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Cry Power Episode 5: Marcus Mumford

Listening to People's Stories Bring Dignity to Their Humanity

Hozier talks with Marcus Mumford — frontman of Mumford & Sons — about education in conflict zones, Grenfell Tower, and why listening is one of the most compassionate human acts.

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Cry Power Episode 6: Hugh Evans

It's Been a Lifelong Journey

Hozier talks with Hugh Evans — CEO of Global Citizen — about the origins of the movement and how 2020 could be the most ambitious year in the history of activism.

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Cry Power Episode 7: Ifrah Ahmed

What Happened to Me Shouldn't Happen to Anyone

Hozier talks with Ifrah Ahmed — female genital mutilation (FGM) survivor and trailblazing activist — about growing up as a refugee in Ireland, creating her own foundation to change the law on FGM, and a new movie coming out that's based on her life.

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Cry Power Episode 8: Colm O'Gorman

How One Man Sued the Pope for Crimes Against Love

Hozier talks with Colm O'Gorman — the Executive Director of Amnesty International Ireland — about his own experiences of sexual assault, the world-changing power of individual action, and the extraordinary story of how he sued the Pope.

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