Cookie Policy


Global Poverty Project, Inc. d/b/a Global Citizen (“GC”, “we”, “our” or “us”) uses cookies on its website. “Cookies” are small text files that store information about your interactions with a website, either temporarily or more permanently on your device. This website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of this website, which helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse this website and allows us to improve this website.

This Cookie Policy is incorporated into GC’s Terms of Use.  For further information regarding our general privacy practices, please visit our Privacy Policy.

We use the following cookies:

  • Strictly necessary cookies. These cookies are required for the operation of the website. They are stored within your browser and include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of this website. These cookies do not store personal data.  
  • Analytics or performance cookies. These cookies allow us to collect statistical information about website use to improve the website and our services. For these purposes, analytic cookies collect certain information about your device type, operating system type, browser type, domain, other system settings, IP address, referring URLs, information on actions you take on website and the dates and times of your visits, as well as the country and time zone in which your device is located. These cookies are provided by third parties and as such the information obtained through these cookies will be disclosed to, or collected directly by, those third parties. We do not have control over these third party cookies and they are governed by each third party’s privacy or cookie policy. 
  • Functionality cookies. These cookies are used to recognise you when you return to our website. This enables us to personalise our content for you, greet you by name and remember your preferences (for example, your choice of language or region).
  • Third Party Cookies. Third parties (which may include, for example, providers of external services like web traffic analysis services) may also use cookies that enables us to improve the quality of your experience.  We do not have control over third party cookies, and these cookies are governed by each third party’s specific privacy or cookie policy.

You can find more information about the individual cookies we use and the purposes for which we use them below:

Cookie List

Global Citizen

  1. prod_csrftoken
    • Purpose: csrftoken - Strictly necessary
  2. prod_gcsessionid
    • Purpose: user’s session id - Strictly necessary for authenticated users only, not used for anonymous users
  3. prod_gc_language
    • Purpose: user’s language - Preferences
  4. tz
    • Purpose:  user’s timezone  - statistics
  5. ajs_anonymous_id
    • Purpose: Statistics
  6. ajs_user_id
    • Purpose: Statistics

Google Analytics

  1. _ga
    • Purpose: Statistics
  2. _gid
    • Purpose: Statistics
  3. _gid
    • Purpose: Statistics

More information


  1. __stripe_mid
    • Purpose: Fraud prevention

More information

Your consent/acceptance of cookies

When you first visit the website, unless you have blocked cookies using your browser settings (see below), all of the strictly necessary cookies mentioned above, will automatically be placed on your devices, and we will be able to use personal data gathered by those cookies for the purposes set out herein and in compliance with all applicable privacy laws and regulations.

You will be asked to indicate your consent and acceptance or non-acceptance of the analytics/performance, functionality, and third party cookies mentioned above, in the cookie banner that appears at the bottom of your browser window when you first visit the website. 
The analytics/performance, functionality, and third party cookies will not share personal data with us or a third party cookie provider (and will not be placed on your device) unless and until you consent to our use of such cookies.

If you do not consent to our use of analytics/performance, functionality, and third party cookies, some website functionality may not be available to you. If you consent to the use of analytics/performance, functionality, and third party cookies then this preference will expire after 30 days if you do not revisit the website. If you do revisit the website within that 30 day period, then you will be asked again for consent to the use of the analytics/performance, functionality, and third party cookies.

Blocking cookies

You can also block all cookies (except the strictly necessary cookies), even when you have previously consented to cookies in the cookie banner and want to withdraw that consent, by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. Users may allow, block or remove cookies (other than strictly necessary cookies) installed on their computer or device by changing the configuration of the browser.

Updates to this policy

New services using cookies may be added to this website in order for us to offer you a good experience. We aim to keep this cookies policy as accurate as possible and will use all reasonable efforts to regularly review and update this cookies policy.