Gaza Crisis: Help the WHO Save Lives

Under desperate conditions, WHO teams are risking their lives to provide urgent healthcare in Gaza.

What to know:

  • Gaza is on the brink. 1.7 million people now face disease and starvation.
  • WHO teams are risking their lives to deliver vital supplies and treat thousands in need.
  • Share the WHO Gaza appeal now. Drive donations, and support WHO teams on the ground. Every share counts.

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Gaza is on the brink. Only six partially functioning facilities are now in action out of Gaza’s 36 hospitals. 1.7 million people are homeless, facing disease and starvation. The death toll rises daily, and the health needs are critical.

Under these desperate conditions the World Health Foundation has delivered vital supplies and treated over half a million people. Recently, they brought fuel, beds, and medical supplies to the hardest-hit areas, expanding lifesaving services.

You can help. Share the WHO Gaza appeal now. Raise awareness, drive donations, and support teams on the ground. 

For the people of Gaza, access to medical care provides a chance to survive. Every share counts. Every life matters.

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Source for Figures Provided: The casualty numbers reflected here are based on reporting from the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), acknowledging the difficulties of reporting data in active conflict zones.