Governor Hochul: Pass the TREES Act

Stop New York tax dollars destroying the Amazon rainforest. Sign now for Governor Hochul to pass the TREES Act.

What to know:

  • Multinational corporations are destroying rainforests faster than ever before.
  • The TREES Act means companies selling to New York State must verify products weren’t produced through tropical deforestation.
  • Take a stand! Urge Governor Hochul to sign the TREES Act and help us build a greener, better future. Your voice matters.

Learn More about this cause:

Did you know that your tax dollars might be funding the destruction of our planet's most precious ecosystems?

Multinational corporations are driving deforestation at an alarming rate, clearing vast expanses of tropical rainforests to produce goods like palm oil, soy, and beef. This rampant deforestation not only devastates our planet’s biodiversity but also contributes to the climate crisis, as these forests play a crucial role in absorbing carbon dioxide and regulating global weather patterns.

What’s worse? New York State agencies are purchasing products linked to this destruction. Every year, millions of taxpayer dollars are spent on goods that are fueling deforestation and contributing to the exploitation of vulnerable ecosystems and communities worldwide.

But there’s hope. The Tropical Rainforest Economic & Environmental Sustainability (TREES) Act could change this. This groundbreaking legislation would prohibit state agencies from buying products associated with tropical deforestation. By enforcing stricter procurement standards, the TREES Act would ensure that New York tax dollars support businesses that prioritize sustainability.

The TREES Act is our chance to make a real difference. By signing the TREES Act as it was passed by the legislature this session, New York will take a critical step in the global fight against deforestation, helping to combat climate change and protect biodiversity

Add your name to the petition now and take a stand for a sustainable future.