Share Your Thoughts About Youth In Politics

Do you think young people should have a say in political decision-making? Share your thoughts with us.

What to know:

  • Many young people struggle to be seen and heard in politics.
  • Young people have the power to shape the future of our planet.
  • Share your thoughts on youth participation in politics and we’ll use them to collectively urge government action.

Learn More about this cause:

Every day, politicians around the world make important decisions about the future of our planet. These choices impact young people the most, yet too often they’re excluded from decision-making. It’s time to change all that.

In 2022, the Office of the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth and The Body Shop launched Be Seen Be Heard, a global campaign which aims to promote youth participation in political life across all spheres of public life in more than 75 countries and territories by inspiring a change in legislation or policy and supporting initiatives.

Together, we’re advocating for systemic change to ensure that young people are better represented in political decision-making at all levels, and that their needs and rights are addressed. Do you think young people should have a say in politics? Read the summary and share your thoughts with us. Let’s tell the world that young people are ready for change.