US: Support Education for All

Millions of children are denied their right to quality education. We need leaders to step up.

What to know:

  • An estimated 222 million children are missing out on quality education due to crisis, climate change, and more.
  • Education Cannot Wait (ECW) provides schooling to children in some of the world's most hard to reach locations.
  • Urge USAID to support education globally and fund ECW – millions of children’s future cannot wait.

Learn More about this cause:

Today, the global crisis of disrupted education is deepening, leaving an estimated 222 million children without access to even the most basic schooling. This generation risks being left behind and in need of urgent support. 

This is why the work of Education Cannot Wait is so critical. They provide access to education to the world’s most vulnerable children, from Yemen to Afghanistan. But they need urgent funds to continue reaching the most vulnerable especially in this environment where humanitarian budgets continue to be tightened. 

We cannot afford to waste any time. Will you send Samantha Powers, Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, a message urging her to continue being a champion for education? Send a quick tweet now.