When you imagine a typical man from Africa, what do you think of?

Just a guess- a medical student who spends just as much time on Facebook as you didn't come to mind.

Our friends at Mama Hope are working to change that. In addition to funding the completion of schools, health clinics, children’s centers, clean water systems and food security projects by partnering with local organizations in Africa, Mama Hope created a "Stop the Pity. Unlock the Potential" campaign designed to debunk false steroetypes of Africans as poor, needy, and helpless. Instead, Mama Hope aims to "re-humanize Africa and look to the positive change that is happening". This video is one of several that does just that.

Mama Hope has got it right- it's time to stop the pity and unlock the potential.

Read more on why provocative images and stereotyping do a disservice to people living in poverty, here!



Demand Equity

African men. Hollywood Stereotypes.