Bradley Cooper is talented. He’s smart. And now, he’s standing up for women’s rights.


Remember the Sony hacking scandal? Well, Jennifer Lawrence finally unleashed her feelings about making less money than her male counterparts, and Cooper is applauding her for it. According to Reuters, it also prompted the funny man to “begin teaming up with female co-stars to negotiate salaries before any film he is interested in working on goes into production.”

This personal pledge is music to my ears and a solid shift in a world where women earn less money than men. It’s also a great reminder that feminism is for everybody. In fact, Bradley Cooper is just the most recent man to join a group of celebrities who would absolutely agree with this statement.

Check out the other famous “he for shes” who are proud to call themselves feminists.

Aziz Ansari

On an episode of The Late Show with David Letterman, Ansari attempted to detach the “F word” from its negative connotation by stripping it down to its most basic definition. 

Mark Ruffalo

Mark Ruffalo isn’t shy when it comes to defending women’s rights. However, one of his most important contributions to the feminist movement could be his words on a woman’s right to choose.

Eddie Vedder

The 2015 Global Citizen Festival performer is another outspoken advocate for a woman’s right to choose. Check out his choice words on what it means to be pro-choice.


Joseph Gordon-Levitt

There are 10 things I love about Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and one of them is that he fiercely supports gender equality. In 2014, Gordon-Levitt sat across from Ellen Degeneres and told everyone that he is a feminist. And that’s not the end of it. During an interview with The Daily Beast, he spoke about how the oppression of women has been detrimental to the human race as a whole.

If you are a man, I challenge you to think about the gender injustices that present themselves to you every day. Are the women in your life taking over most of the household chores? Do you make assumptions about the women you work with? Are you paying attention to the things that are said to young girls in the room?

Stand up for the women around you. Follow in Bradley Cooper’s footsteps, and find ways to even the playing field.

There’s more room for boys and men to join the fight against gender inequality. Men and women must work together to tackle this uphill battle. So jump on the feminism freight train and prepare yourself for a journey toward gender parity.

Follow Caryn Carver on Twitter and Facebook.


Demand Equity

Bradley Cooper just gave ladies another reason to love him

By Caryn Carver