People around the world are far too uncomfortable talking about poop. This has led to a host of problems.
There are some exceptions however. I spent some time living in The Netherlands and one of the biggest adjustments to my morning routine was something called the “poop shelf.” (Full disclosure: I made up that term. But what would you call this?)

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In many countries in Northern Europe, examining your poop to see if you’re healthy is very common. As someone who isn’t used to it, having my “business” presented to me every time I used the bathroom was… tricky at first.
BUT - in the hopes of doing my part to break the “poo taboo” I would like to present to you theBristol Stool Chart. (Contain your excrement-I mean excitement)

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The chart is a breakdown of alllll the different types of poops you might run into. Apparently, anything in the 3 & 4 range represent healthy bowel movements. All the others are indicative of some sort of issue.
Now without further adieu: happy pooping!
Tom Blake