What is the Global Partnership for Education? 

The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) is the only global fund for education that brings together 59 developing countries with donor governments (like the UK), civil society, international organizations, students, teachers, foundations, and the private sector to achieve coordinated action to develop better education systems in the poorest countries.

How does it work?

Donor governments, like the UK, provide funds to the GPE which then gives grants to its 59 developing country partners to support their national education plans. This is a really effective way of providing aid to education, as it means all work is carried out according to an individual government’s priorities. A country can only receive funding if it has a national education plan that has been agreed with the GPE and if all partners in the country (like donor agencies, NGOs and teachers) agree to support the national plan to get children into school and learning. 

The GPE also supports members to consider certain areas as priorities, such as ensuring that more girls access education, when developing their plans. The GPE’s major focus areas are girls’ education, children with disabilities, and education in conflict affected and fragile countries, as well as supporting teachers to improve the quality of education.  

Take action 

In June, the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) will be asking governments to commit $3.5 billion for its next round of funding from 2015-2018. 

It is critical that the UK continues its leading role in support of the GPE by maintaining the 25% it commits to the overall fund – for the next four years the fund needs the UK to give £525 million.  This will pressure other countries into committing to the GPE fund, and influence developing country partners to commit even more of their own budgets to education. 

The UK government can help get 29 million children a good education by 2018 if it commits to funding the GPE. Take action now and write to the UK government about the importance of funding education and the GPE 


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What is the Global Partnership for Education (GPE)?