What do Global Citizens do? They #shOwup. Regardless of where you're from, what you do for a living, or what your background is: We all #shOwup for something. We're showcasing Global Citizens and letting them explain why they #shOwup every day. Please join the movement and show and tell us why you #shOwup on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram! Did we mention our hashtag, #shOwup? ;) Be sure to use it and tag @glblctzn.

Name: Meghan

Why I #shOwup: I #shOwup because I believe by ensuring access to quality education for every girl we can make the world a more equal, empowered place.

I grew up with brothers. I definitely heard my share of, 'Oh she must be on her period,' when I felt angry, sad, or showed emotion. This did not make me feel less upset. So in turn, I made them listen to every fact, and story and injustice about girls and women I heard. Today, my younger brother will stick up for girls and women with his friends (at least those who don't have outspoken feminist sisters) and proudly tell me about it. He hasn't said a negative period comment in years.

I'm sure a more formal education on gender issues at an early age would have helped. But I've also learned the power of breaking through uncomfortable issues in my own way and the power discussing women's rights issues in my own family can have. Including men in the movement to achieve gender equality is vital, and I believe it can start with those closest to you. I want to see a world where there are no more taboo gender topics. That's part of why I'm a Global Citizen.

Meghan is an editor at GlobalCitizen.org.


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Why I #shOwup for global citizens: Meghan