Ah, college. A beautiful bubble where we can challenge authority and our own assumptions, ask questions, try new things, expand our worldview, learn how to learn, and have a ton of fun doing it. It’s also a place where we have opportunities to be a part of something bigger than ourselves...much bigger. Opportunities like FeelGood.

FeelGood is a youth movement turning college into a time of effective global action. On campuses across the country, students run a social enterprise—a grilled cheese deli— to raise money and build public support for FeelGood’s Commitment 2030 Fund partners: A select group of “FeelGood certified” organizations working to end extreme poverty by 2030.

In addition to raising money through their deli enterprise, FeelGood chapters also hold special fundraising events like, sports events, open mic nights and film screenings. And one of our favorite ways of all to raise money: participating in the Live Below the Linechallenge.

The challenge asks people to live on a $1.50 USD a day ($1.75 CAD/£1 GBP), for five days. Eating and drinking on $1.50/day offers a glimpse into the harsh realities 1.2 billion people face every day. And while there’s no way participating in this campaign can truly simulate their experience, it does create a beautiful space for FeelGood chapters to engage in conversation with their chapter members, their customers, and their broader campus community about the root causes of extreme poverty, the sustainable solutions that are needed, and why everyone’s participation is essential.

Let's face it: extreme poverty sucks! It can be sad and overwhelming to talk or think about 1.2 billion of our fellow sisters and brothers trying to survive on less than $1.50 ($1.75 CAD/ £1 GBP). But when we're equipped with ways to take action that deliver tangible impact, we feel empowered, engaged, and fired up to change that reality. Because the truth is, we CAN end extreme hunger and poverty by 2030.

Whether you're currently in college, been retired for five years, or are somewhere in between, Live Below the Line is an incredible opportunity. Not only can you raise investment capital to help end extreme hunger and poverty by 2030, you can challenge yourself personally, ignite change-making conversations, and invite others to do the same. Join FeelGood students across the country and sign up for Live Below the Line today!

This piece was submitted by FeelGood, an organization participating in Live Below the Line, raising money for The Hunger Project. You can support their efforts at: https://www.livebelowtheline.com/us/partner/thehungerproject.


Demand Equity

Why US college students are living on $1.50 a day