Photo: Reuters/ Andres Stapff

FIFA 2014 World Cup Ranking: 26

Star Player: Antonio Valencia

Luis Antonio Valencia Mosquera, better known as Antonio Valencia, is a true rags-to-riches story. As a child Antonio spent his days helping his mother sell drinks outside of a local stadium, collecting used bottles for his father to sell to a bottle-deposit, and playing soccer in a nearby field. At 11 he was spotted by a scout and his life was forever changed. Today, Antonio splits his time playing for the Ecuadorian national team and Manchester United. The World Cup is undoubtedly a special time for Antonio- in 2006 his wife gave birth to his daughter, Domenica, during the Cup finals.

Photo:Flickr: Saadick Dhansey

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $84.53 billion

GDP per capita (PPP): $5,456.43

Government Structure: Republic

Corruption Index: 35 (Ranks 102 / 177)

Maternal Mortality Ratio: 110 deaths / 100,000 live births

Percentage of Females in Parliament: 39%

Religious Demographics: Roman Catholic 95%

Ethnic Demographics: Meztizo (Amerindian/White) 72%, Montubio 7%, Afroecuadorian 7%, White 7%

Literacy Rate: 91.6%

Health Barriers: Access to Improved Water Source: 94%

Access to Improved Sanitation Source: 92%

Prevalence of HIV/AIDS: .4%

Youth % of populous (15-24): 18.7%

Contraceptive Prevalence: 72.7%

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Development History of Ecuador:

High poverty and income inequality mostly affect the indigenous, mixed race, and rural populations of Ecuador. To that end, the administration of President Rafael Correa Delgado, who was re-elected to another four-year term in February 2013, has maintained its commitment to reducing poverty.

Some successes include the recent reduction of extreme poverty- between 2006 and 2013 it declined from 17% to 9%. Additionally, inequality is slowly decreasing- from 2006-2013 the middle class grew from 20% to 26%.

Despite these victories Ecuador is far from where it needs to be. More than half of its population continues to live in poverty or is vulnerable to falling below it.


Demand Equity

World Cup Country Profiles: Ecuador