Global Citizen Prize for
Un hommage aux dirigeants gouvernementaux
les plus influents de la planète.
Ursula von der Leyen, est reconnue pour le leadership extraordinaire qu'elle a exercé au cours des douze derniers mois. Au cours de cette première année de mandat, elle a eu un impact significatif et exemplaire sur la communauté mondiale. Ce prix récompense et célèbre sa contribution à la réalisation d'un avenir juste et durable pour tous, en particulier grâce à son travail acharné en faveur d'un accès équitable aux tests, aux traitements et au vaccin contre la COVID-19.
Le prix du World Leader of the Year récompense une personnalité politique ayant plaidé pour et instauré des changements politiques pour améliorer la vie des personnes souffrant des effets de la pauvreté.
Group President, P&G North America and Global Sales Officer
Group President, P&G North America and Global Sales Officer
Group President, P&G North America and Global Sales Officer
Group President, P&G North America and Global Sales Officer
Group President, P&G North America and Global Sales Officer
Group President, P&G North America and Global Sales Officer
What is Global Citizen?
What is the judging process?
What does the judging criterion “Global Citizenship” mean? What does “Global Problem Solver” mean?
What does the Criterion “Technology Innovation” mean?
Do I have to be the founder/CEO of the organization to be eligible?
Do you accept people from any country?
Do you only accept non-profits?
Is this prize for individuals as well as organizations?
I have a lot of great ideas, but am just starting out. Am I eligible for the Prize?
What is needed for the application?
When does the application open? When does it close?
When will I find out if I have been selected?
What documents are required if I am a semi-finalist? Should I prepare them now?
I’m selected as a semi-finalist, who should provide the letter/video of endorsement?
Can I nominate someone for this Prize?
Can I apply in a language other than English?
What happens to my application materials after I submit?
If I am selected as the winner, do I have to spend the Prize money in a certain way?
How do I make and send my video? Can I still apply if I cannot create a video?
Can I change my application after I submit it?
I’m having trouble submitting my application, what can I do?
Where can I ask questions not covered here?
Amina Mohammed a travaillé pour trois présidents nigérians. Elle a permis de réduire les infections par le VIH de 5 % au niveau national et la mortalité maternelle de 32 %. En tant que ministre de l'environnement du Nigeria de 2015 à 2016, elle a dirigé les efforts du pays en matière d'action climatique, travaillant à la protection de l'environnement et à la conservation des ressources pour le développement durable. Elle a auparavant joué un rôle essentiel dans la création de l'Agenda 2030 pour le développement durable.
Mme Solberg, dont la carrière politique s'étend sur près de trois décennies, défend les populations vulnérables, en particulier les femmes et les enfants. Elle a fait de l'égalité des chances et des droits des femmes et des jeunes filles sa priorité.
Elle a notamment contribué à la mise en place de la Global Financing Facility (GFF), qui permet aux femmes, aux enfants et aux adolescents de bénéficier de soins de santé et d'une alimentation de qualité.
Group President, P&G North America and Global Sales Officer
Group President, P&G North America and Global Sales Officer
Group President, P&G North America and Global Sales Officer
Group President, P&G North America and Global Sales Officer
Group President, P&G North America and Global Sales Officer
Group President, P&G North America and Global Sales Officer
What is Global Citizen?
What is the judging process?
What does the judging criterion “Global Citizenship” mean? What does “Global Problem Solver” mean?
What does the Criterion “Technology Innovation” mean?
Do I have to be the founder/CEO of the organization to be eligible?
Do you accept people from any country?
Do you only accept non-profits?
Is this prize for individuals as well as organizations?
I have a lot of great ideas, but am just starting out. Am I eligible for the Prize?
What is needed for the application?
When does the application open? When does it close?
When will I find out if I have been selected?
What documents are required if I am a semi-finalist? Should I prepare them now?
I’m selected as a semi-finalist, who should provide the letter/video of endorsement?
Can I nominate someone for this Prize?
Can I apply in a language other than English?
What happens to my application materials after I submit?
If I am selected as the winner, do I have to spend the Prize money in a certain way?
How do I make and send my video? Can I still apply if I cannot create a video?
Can I change my application after I submit it?
I’m having trouble submitting my application, what can I do?
Where can I ask questions not covered here?